Monday, January 13, 2014

Addis Ababa

The capitol of Ethiopia is unlike the rest of the country. In the capitol there are big buildings, nice cars and lots and lots of restaurants that you would find in any major city in the western world. You can get Chinese food, Korean food, American food, Mexican food, Ethiopian food, and a vast amount of any kind of food. There is even a restaurant (rumored, I've never been there) that is akin to McDonald's. The restaurants have napkins and silverware at the table, prices on the menu in English and Amharic, and servers who don't get confused if you try to ask them for things. There are supermarkets where you can buy anything from children's toys to pop-tarts and candy.
            But in case you ever forget you are in Ethiopia just look out the window and remember that, above all else, cattle have the right of way. 

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