Monday, April 14, 2014

A Peace Corps Baby

Dear friends and family,

I have been in Ethiopia for a little over nine months now and I've come to realize something, Peace Corps is a lot like being pregnant. (As I've gathered from listening to other people tell me what it's like to be pregnant.)

In Peace Corps there is a lot of vomiting. Weird foreign agents grow inside one's intestines and really mess with one's pee and poop schedule. (You never know when it's going to blow.)

I myself, have craved food I never liked before and have eaten the weirdest combinations of things.

I'm sleeping a lot and my back and feet ache constantly.

It's strange, full of bouts of explainable depression, and you find yourself counting down the days until this horror will end.

Despite all this, it feels rewarding, beautiful and you find pride in the miracle you are a part of.

The only difference is that, instead of being pregnant for only nine months I'm 'pregnant' for 27 (18 more to go guys) and what I'm gestating is not a whiny mini-me that poops a lot. It's a fully grown new-me (that quite frankly poops a lot.) We just have to wait a little longer to see what exactly this new iteration will be.

Love, Julia

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