Saturday, August 10, 2013

I've been placed!

Today we had a site placement ceremony. Yes, today. I posted this rather soon. Assume your shocked faces. It was a really great ceremony that started out with dancing and contained a lot of nerves.

A little about my site: Its name is Deneba and it is a 5 hour bus ride from the capital (I'm going to die!) There is no post office but I still expect mail. If my closest neighbor town (30 minutes away) doesn't have one I will open one in my hub town (1 1/2 hours away). So, basically, I still expect mail. When I open up my PO box, you will be informed.

There is CDMA (wireless) capabilities as well as cell service which is really only applicable to my parents because I don't expect people to pay 10 dollars for a 30 minute phone call. There is a clinic but no hospital so I better not get deathly ill. I will be teaching at Deneba primary school. I will not have my own class because my assignment is all about building the English teacher's capabilities. I will do model teaching, teacher trainings and running English clubs for all ages. I will also be expected to promote gender equality (which will be hard because I am sooooo not passionate about that.) Expect info about GLOW camps!

I don't have a site mate but I am close to a few people. Some are training with me and a few are current PCVs.

Basically, I am really excited.

And now for pictures.

Tesfaye setting up the maps for the site placement ceremony.

All of us waiting to be placed.

The important people. From left, Dan Baker (badass), Greg Engle (country director), Merre Engle, and DT is lurking in the shadows.

Greg Engle and wife, Merre, both former PCVs, giving us some advice and encouragement.

Daniel (Education Coordinator) tell us how he and others made the placements.


Avak -- the first to be placed.

A few of us pinning our site placements on the map. In order from top, Kyrie, Kat, Khadijah, Brittany, Richard and me!

Last but not least, Helena is placed in our training site in Butajira.

As I've said, I'm in Deneba. Can you tell I'm a little excited/nervous?

Those going to Tigrey.

Those going to Amhara with me.

Those going to Oromia.

Those staying in SNNPR.


They're all centered around the capitol, Mekele.


My closest neighbors. Sarah is closest, Micheal is above my head and Deshantel is to the east.


SNNPR spread all over the place.

1 comment:

  1. Exciting! I love reading your posts, Julia Bruce Paul. FYI, my first year I was in Deder, Harerge and the second year in Ghedo, West Shewa (between Bako and Awash).
