It was such a delicate touch.
Barely a soft caress.
Like a lover flirting with a kiss
Softly brushing an eyelash.
Are you a lover?
A magnificent black and tan beast,
The oil on your hide shining in the sun.
You stand larger than the shops lining the street.
Your flat nose bent down
Sniffing at something.
The not yet sun-bleached skull
Of one of your fellows
A small patch of hide
Still fastened between the horns.
Do you recognize the smell?
Is it a friend?
Or a vague memory of a friend.
Maybe it was a brother
And the smell of what's left
Of him evokes memories.
Sad and beautiful in their pain.
Or is it a stranger? Someone you never knew,
Never loved
And you are merely exploring the morbidity of your own
death when
Your skull will join his in that ditch.
Julia, what powerful images your words evoke! I'm so glad your mom guided me to check out your blog today! I look forward to writing more from this young woman who will always be a 1st/2nd grade little girl in my mind's eye.