Friday, October 11, 2013

Not Dead Yet

Dear Friends and Family,

I know I haven't posted in a while. I am currently at my site ad internet options are a little limited. The main office for the school district (Woreda office) has internet and that's what  am using right now. However, the slow speed of the computer and its distaste to read my flash drive doesn't really lend it much usefulness in terms of posting actual blogs.

This little update is just to inform you that, yes, in fact I am still alive and things are going well for me.

I will soon purchase a CDMA which means I can use my own computer in the comfort of my own bed to update all of you.

This short blog is also to inform you that I want letters. Lots of letters. Getting them are the brightest part of my week. So special thank yous to Allison, Tashia, my parents, and my grandparents. They love me the most and I have physical evidence in the shape of letters to prove this.

Love, Julia

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