Monday, February 24, 2014


Timket is an Ethiopian holiday that comes about 10 days after their Christmas. It is a lot bigger than Christmas. It means "Epiphany" and it's a two day spectacle. I'm not sure if it always falls on a Sunday but that would make sense. This year it was on January 15th. Apparently the best place to go to view this celebration is in Gondar. That is, they have the biggest celebration.
            I was stuck in Addis Ababa and then had to travel back home through town after town whose streets were crowded with people marching to the church. It was a lot of fun to see everybody in their best, chanting and singing. I wish I could have been home in Deneba and participate with my community. There's always next year.

This video was taken outside my hotel in Addis. The building you see behind them is a College of Ministry. (This is my first upload of a video so I hope it works.)

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Spider Chronicles, Aerial Excercises

My enemy is cunning. They never strike in the same way twice, and with their fluctuating offense, I fear it is only a matter of time before they succeed. Ground attacks have proven difficult, and now an enemy combatant was discovered in the early stages of an aerial assault. The true range of my bug spray was tested as it was sprayed at his high distance. But, as always, my bug spray struck true and he fell from the ceiling before he could attack. A swift stomp with my shoed foot and there was nothing left.

I must admit, I am confused in their decision to attack from the air. If there is any weakness in my bug net fortifications it will not be found at the top. But maybe this particular spider's mission was to attack me while on the move. In which case, I need to be ever vigilant, not just when resting, but at all times. In and out of my home.